Linux Services
"I’m doing a (free) operating system (just a hobby, won’t be big and professional like gnu) for 386(486) AT clones"
Linux is introduced by Linus Torvalds, a student in Finland. Who posted to the comp.os.minix newsgroup with those words back in 1991
Many companies would like to use Linux professionally but do not have the opportunity to do so simply because key decision makers are unaware of its potential. Some IT "Professionals" still regard Linux as an unstable "hacker" operating system, and consider it unsafe or under-powered for commercial use. Other companies have policies in place simply forbidding the use of freely available software.
This is quite an anomaly as the fact is that all Android phones and the majority of devices such as set top TV boxes, car systems, in-flight entertainment, etc now all run under the Linux operating system at the core. In addition, although not Linux, the iPhone, iPad and IMac all run a version of Unix which has a lot of historical connections to Linux. Most of the leading innovation companies would probably not exist if not for Linux and the Open Source world, companies such as Google, Amazon, Facebook, Twitter, Netflix, LinkedIn, and on and on.
However, many others (ourselves included) have found Linux to be a very reliable and useful platform for certain corporate applications. By making Linux more visible and advocating it appropriately we can help to raise its profile in the corporate arena, and promote it as a viable option for commercial and personal use.
We have been actively using this operating system since about 1996 and find that it provides a solid alternative, and a complement, to a more conventional Windows based network. Linux is a Unix type operating system which has a track record extending back decades. In addition free Office packages, such as Open Office have appeared that are now rivaling Microsoft Office in power. There are leading edge packages for image editing, video editing, movie making, games, productivity tools and tens of thousands of other programs that generally cost nothing. You don’t have the need for anti-virus programs and the have a choice of many distributions from many companies.
Below are listed some of the Linux services we can provide installation, configuration or support services for:
Ubuntu, Redhat / Centos or Debian Distributions
Managed Firewall Server
Managed Internet Gateway
Managed Intrusion Detection Systems
ZFS and other robust file systems
Cluster file systems such as Ceph and GlusterFS
Docker and other container solutions
Apache or Nginx Server Web servers
Asterisk or other Linux and Unix based VOIP PABX Systems
Email environments, including solid anti-Spam blocking
IBM/Lotus Domino installations running under Linux
Web Log Statistics Reporting
MySQL & Postgres Databases
NoSQL Systels such as Hadoop, MongoDB, Elasticsearch, Casandra and many more
Backup Systems - Windows & Linux
Development Services, GO, Java, PHP, AngularJS, Hadoop, MongoDB . .
Please contact us if you require Linux consulting, development or support services or would simply like more information about what it can do for your organisation. Try it, you may be surprised.
ByteBack have decades of combined Windows experience including Office 365, Exchange, MSSQL, Active Directory, Azure, Lotus/IBM Notes and Domino. Our association with PCs stretches way back to the birth of the first PC.
ByteBack has been an advocate and active user of Linux systems since the the mid 90's. ByteBack currently manages many Linux and Unix systems at client sites.
ByteBack have in depth knowledge of Cloud infrastructure. This knowledge leaves ByteBack well placed to advise, install, host and provide ongoing maintenance for any cloud service.